
Bruna Mattos

2 months ago

Carolina Polisel

In the administrative sector, I am responsible for the control of the Institute's assets, facilities, travel, events, among other support…

5 years ago

Cleane Gomes

My function at Arapyaú is to help keep the space clean, organized and pleasant to work in. I am studying…

5 years ago

Daniel Freitas

2 months ago

Débora Passos

Responsible for the areas of HR, administrative-financial, governance, and the Office of Projects and Incubations. I encourage reflection on development,…

5 years ago

Élidi Inoue

I follow the international front and offer support to Arapyaú's institutional initiatives. I also participate in the organization of the…

1 year ago

Erica Dias

Here at Arapyaú I have been taking care of people in the Human Resources area. I am also responsible for…

5 years ago

João Victor Pelozio

I am part of the PMO team, providing support in the design and execution of the projects in the portfolio,…

1 year ago

Lívia Menezes Pagotto

Making knowledge management available to the networks and strategic initiatives developed by Arapyaú is at the core of my activities.…

5 years ago

Luiz Attié

I am a journalism student and currently I support the communication processes of the Institute, besides giving support to the…

1 year ago

Nerivalda Santos

I am one of the ones who have worked here longest. I enjoy taking great care of the office here…

5 years ago

Paulo Sena

I am responsible for monitoring Arapyaú's finances, helping manage its resources. I invest in quality in interpersonal relations for my…

5 years ago

Priscila Tavares

I am responsible for leading the administrative and financial areas of the office in Ilhéus and Serra Grande, in addition…

1 year ago